Hagar And Ishmael Were Gentiles
Hagar and Ishmael were gentiles and on account of Abraham’s actions (his faith) coupled with his words, Ishmael became a blessing! We too are gentiles and on account of our Saviour Jesus Christs’ actions (his death and resurrection) in conjunction with the power in His word we became blessings, inheriting a LASTING blessing!!! Hagar’s disobedience to her mistress Sarai caused her to run away. Even whilst running away in her disobedience, her connection to Abraham caused her to meet Heaven. In His mercy, God gave Hagar the opportunity to aright her way. In Hagar’s disobedience, she met an angel, was given instruction and also a prophetic word about the child she was carrying. What a privilege it is to be a child of God!! In the same way our connection to Jesus Christ, through our faith causes the Holy Spirit to come to us when we are going the wrong way and are distressed. The Holy Spirit directs us that we may aright our way and return to our Lord. Our return to Jesus causes miracles to surface out of our distress if we will allow it! Hallelujah! Our God is a God that loves us so much that even in our disobedience, He gently guides us into REPENTANCE and OBEDIENCE, that His purpose and plans may be revealed through us. Yes, He is trustworthy even when we cannot trust ourselves to make the right decisions!
Hagar’s return to Sarai, in obedience to God’s voice allowed her to be covered and catered for even though she was a slave. Unfortunately, Hagar did not continue in her obedience to the instruction God gave her so she and her son were sent away for good. She allowed her choice not to submit, steal away her blessing. The promise God gave to Ishmael stands today but the connection she received the day the Lord reached out to her she lost! Anytime we return to the Lord in humility and service, He will cover us in His protection and grant us provision. The key is to remain in submission and obedience so that we do not lose our inheritance as Hagar did!!